Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Orruk Warclans Gobsprakk the Mouth of Mork

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    The mightiest and most kunnin’ of all the Swampcalla Shamans, Gobsprakk is known as the Mouth of Mork, for the words he speaks are said to come straight from the Twin-Headed God himself. An extremely potent wielder of magic, Gobsprakk also has the gift of the gab, able to command a Waaagh! with unparalleled skill. His impressive orky charisma has even made an ally of Kragnos, the End of Empires, giving him a direct line two two gods of Destruction.

    In battle, Gobsprakk takes to the skies on his Corpse-rippa Vulcha, the blood-stained Killabeak. From this lofty perch, he is able to bellow commands to the orruks he commands whilst hurling hexes and incantations that hinder and harm his foes.


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