VS System Marvel: Masters of Evil

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    An all-new volume of Vs.System® 2PCG® kicks off with a polarizing story arc blending the forces of good and evil. First up are the true masters of evil - a dastardly collection of the most nefarious villains, banded together with a new team affiliation. This set will introduce Baron Heinrich ZemoRadioactive Man, and more!

    • 55 playable cards
    • 1 Rulesheet

    Volume 4 Content Highlights
    ☆ First story Arc for the 2021 Vs System 2PCG product line!
    ☆ Brings together characters that go bump in the night and those who protect our realm from them!
    ☆ Introduces the true masters of evil, characters that bend magic and sorcery to their will, and the immortal creatures of the night!
    ☆ Approximately 3 new Main Characters and 8 new Supporting Characters per Issue!
    ☆ Customize your new team or enhance your existing decks!
    ☆ Epic competitive gameplay to pit your team of Allies against your opponents!
    ☆ Each Issue comes with 55 playable cards across existing or new team factions!

    - $16.99

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