Castles & Crusades Reforged - Players Handbook

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    The Castles & Crusades Players Handbook is the core book for the game. Everything you need to create exciting roleplay, sans monsters, is in the Players Handbook. It is divided into two sections. A player section and a CK section. 

    In the former are all the rules to create your character for roleplay:

    • Revised OGL free content
    • Choose from 13 class, multiclassing & class and a half
    • Choose from 7 races
    • Choose disposition, deity if called for, names
    • Equipping your character
    • Spells and spell casting

    The latter section, the CK section, includes

    • All the rules for the Siege Engine, the attribute check system
    • Samples of play
    • Combat and how to run combat
    • Game play elements like turning, movement, light and more

    - $39.99

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