Kaina Of The Great Snow Sea 3

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    SF/Fantasy visionary Tsutomu Nihei's most accessible and exciting series yet! With a strong influence from classics like Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and Castle in the Sky, Kaina tells the story of two worlds - above and below, both of which look to one another for salvation. With a very well-received anime adaptation currently on Crunchyroll, Kaina of the Great Snow Sea is perfectly set up to be a smash hit.Kaina and Yaona slip away from the palace to save Ririha, who has been taken prisoner by the Valghian navy and is confined to a cage hanging from the mast of the Admiral's ship. After an arduous journey, the two would-be rescuers manage to sneak aboard, but not everything goes as planned…So continues the tale of three brave young people bent on saving their world from destruction!

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